Since 1985, the Saint Paul VI Institute’s National Center for Women’s Health (NCWH) has provided services in obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine and surgery for individuals needing regular or high-risk care, all in an environment consistent with Catholic moral principles.

The NCWH provides hope and healing to women and couples who are struggling and suffering with reproductive and gynecological medical issues, issues that are often ignored or undiagnosed in mainstream medicine. We specialize in:


  • patient education
  • diagnosis
  • effective treatment plans

These cooperate with a woman’s natural reproductive cycle. This is accomplished through the breakthrough research developed by Dr. Thomas W. Hilgers, founder and director of the Saint Paul VI Institute, in the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare System™ and NaProTECHNOLOGY (Natural Procreative Technology).


Contact Us

To date, we have served patients from all 50 states and countries around the world including Nigeria and Poland. We invite you to contact our office to learn how to become a patient by phone at (402) 390-6600 or by email at [email protected]. You may also visit our office at 6901 Mercy Rd. in Omaha, NE 68106.

Women or couples interested in becoming patients at Saint Paul VI are encouraged to follow the below instructions to become patients at the Institute.

If you live within 3 hours of the Saint Paul VI Institute (SPVI), please call (402) 390-6600 to schedule an appointment. If not, please complete the steps below to become an out-of-town patient.


The out-of-town patient process begins with our physicians’ review of your case including:


  • a cover letter explaining your gynecologic history, symptoms and treatment goals
  • pertinent reproductive health records including prior surgical images and notes. (If faxing medical records, please limit them to 25 pages or less. If more than that, mail them with your consult request.)
  • color copies of (2 months or 2 cycles) worth of Creighton Model FertilityCare System charting
  • $150 fee for the review of your case (checks to the Saint Paul VI Institute)

Please send the information above to:

Saint Paul VI Institute
ATTN: Malia Kennedy
6901 Mercy Rd
Omaha, NE 68106

A letter from our doctors outlining diagnostic and treatment recommendations will be sent to you within 2 to 3 weeks after our receipt of your information. Recommendations most often, but not always, include surgery which requires a stay in Omaha 7 to 10 days. Our staff can offer some assistance with lodging arrangements.

Services of the National Center for Women’s Health


Evaluation and Treatment Programs

In addition to providing general obstetrics and gynecology and gynecologic surgery, the expertise of the National Center for Women’s Health specializes in the provision of care for patients with the following conditions:


This program is housed in the National Center’s Adult Bone Density Center. The ongoing commitment to women’s health also encompasses the condition of her bones. It is recommended that a baseline test be performed at age 35.


Reproductive Ultrasound Center

This center of excellence uses state of the art diagnostic ultrasound equipment and techniques, including the latest innovation, 4-D ultrasound. It is staffed by registered diagnostic medical sonographers. This was the first program in the state of Nebraska to be accredited in obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound by the Commission of the American Institute for Ultrasound. Using high frequency sound waves, ultrasound testing provides the physicians with useful information regarding reproductive health and fetal development.


National Reproductive Hormone Laboratory

All of the reproductive hormones are assayed in the Institute’s in-house specialty laboratory. This allows results to be reported promptly and with a high level of accuracy. The monitoring of hormone levels is an extremely important part of reproductive care. Dr. Hilgers has developed specific reference ranges for a woman’s hormone cycle as well as progesterone levels for every week of pregnancy, which differentiates the National Reproductive Hormone Laboratory from others.



Clinical psychology with principles of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Staffed by clinical psychologist, Kelly Morrow, Ph.D.


Center for NaProEthics

Under the leadership of Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, PhD, the Center for NaProEthics offers consultation services for ethical issues in the areas of reproductive medicine, sexuality, marriage, and family. She is available for consultations by phone at (402) 390-0812 and by e-mail.



The Saint Paul VI Institute is pleased to announce that its medical practice organization, the Saint Paul VI Institute Physicians, P.C., now participates with several health insurance PPO plans. Examples include but are not limited to Blue Cross Blue Shield, United HealthCare, Aetna, Cigna and several regional PPO networks. Check with your insurance plan to see if we participate. You should be able to verify your Network status by providing your insurance plan either the Institute’s name or the individual Physician’s name.

For years, the Institute’s medical practice has been providing groundbreaking health care consistent with Catholic moral principles to patients needing regular or high-risk care in obstetrics, gynecology, reproductive medicine and surgery. Patients of the Institute have come from each of the 50 states and a number of foreign countries as near as Canada and as far away as Africa. We are pleased that the effective and proven women’s health science, NaProTechnology, will be more widely available. We encourage you to let any friends and family know about the Institute, in particular those seeking general and high-risk OB-GYN care.

The Institute also features a 501(c)(3) non-profit research and education organization, the Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction. The non-profit arm of the Institute is the leading education and research center in the United States in the area of natural regulation of human fertility and the development of morally and professionally acceptable reproductive health services. Dedicated to Saint Paul VI’s challenge to “physicians and health care professionals” and to “men of science,” it is a living memorial to the challenges placed before us by Saint Paul VI in his encyclical letter Humanae Vitae (Of Human Life).

To schedule an appointment, you can contact the Institute’s medical office at (402) 390-6600.


Refund Policy for Patient Services

If refund for patient services is necessary, the refund will be made within 90 days after notification.