The Saint Paul VI Institute also offers psychology consultations and psychotherapy. If you do not live in the Omaha area, telephone consultations are also available by appointment. Please call the Pope Paul VI Institute to set up an appointment.
Staffed by Clinical Psychologist, Kelly Morrow, Ph.D. Dr. Morrow is a member of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association, CatholicTherapists.com, and the Nebraska Psychological Associations, and an associate member of American Academy of FertilityCare Practitioners.
Dr. Kelly Morrow provides psychological services to individual and couples facing a wide variety of life issues including infertility, repeated miscarriage, depression, anxiety, and other medical illnesses. She specializes in Health Psychology and Christian Counseling. Many people seek her services because Dr. Morrow respects their values. Dr. Morrow’s approach to psychotherapy incorporates the mind-body-spirit connection and emphasizes Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy concepts.