Message from the Director

For many years, I have believed that the Church is sitting on a gold mine of answers for couples and families who are hoping and struggling for real answers to their family planning and health issue needs. At ArchOmaha Unite, it is the perfect time to broadcast the “Great News” to the Archdiocese of Omaha that the Church and her teachings provide the loving and truth-filled framework for such answers for women, couples and families!

  • We believe in Saint Paul VI’s teachings in Humanae Vitae on “Love and Life.”
  • We have answered Saint Paul VI’s Invitation to doctors and men of science.
  • We have successfully tested and verified these teachings through our research and service delivery!

Without question, these efforts are effective and life-giving — real solutions to real problems!

P.S. Read Saint Paul VI’s landmark 1968 encyclical Humanae Vitae.

Ten-minute Timely Talks

Saint Paul VI Institute and Why Humanae Vitae

Thomas W. Hilgers, MD

The Creighton Model FertilityCare System: An effective system of natural fertility regulation.

Teresa Hilgers, MD

Infertility & Miscarriage

Catherine Keefe, MD

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Erica Kreller, MD

Painful Periods & Pelvic Pain

Damian Olsen, MD

The Effectiveness of NaProTechnology Approaches

Jeff Williams, MD

Changing Women’s Healthcare, Strengthening Families

The Saint Paul VI Institute was founded in 1985 to answer the CALL of Saint Paul VI – for reproductive health care that Fully Respects Life. Quietly — almost alone — the Institute has DEVELOPED A NEW APPROACH to women’s health care that embodies the best principles of medicine, offers superior treatments for women, strengthens families, and promotes the Culture of Life.

Dr. Thomas Hilgers’ Important Breakthroughs

Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System, the only standardized method of tracking the menstrual and fertility cycles — a natural system of fertility regulation that enables couples to achieve or avoid pregnancy with researched effectiveness.

Natural Procreative Technology (NaProTechnology), the women’s health science that cooperates with a woman’s cycle to diagnose and treat women’s health issues while preserving fertility and integrity of the person — providing true hope and healing!

NaProTechnology offers effective and cooperative treatments for reproductive & gynecological issues, including: Infertility

  • Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Painful or irregular periods
  • Premature birth
  • Repetitive miscarriage
  • Postpartum depression
  • Hormonal abnormalities

Programs and Services

  • National Center for Procreative Health: the premier NaProTechnology women’s health clinic helping patients from Omaha, nationally, and internationally. This includes the National Women’s Hormone Lab and the Ultrasound Department.
  • Allied Health Education Program: training programs for physicians and healthcare providers in NaProTechnology and FertilityCare Practitioners who teach the Creighton Model FertilityCare System.
  • FertilityCare Center of Omaha: teaches women and couples the Creighton Model to achieve pregnancy, avoid pregnancy, and chart for NaProTechnology diagnosis and treatment.
  • Research Division: explores methods for treating infertility and women’s health disorders, furthers the development of educational tools, and examines sociological effects of contraceptives and abortion.
  • Center for NaProEthics: provides guidance on moral decision making regarding reproduction, birth ethics and more through consultations and publications.
  • St. John Paul the Great Fellowship in Medical & Surgical NaProTechnology: post-graduate training for OB-GYN doctors in the specialized techniques of Medical and Surgical NaProTechnology to restore women to health and natural fertility while practicing medicine that is consistent with their faith.
  • Publications Department: Publishes and distributes informational brochures and books written for formal medical education purposes as well as for parishes and the general public.
  • Psychology Division: Provides diagnosis and treatment of various psychological disorders, offers counseling to those facing infertility and other medical disorders, and assists people coping with life stresses.

Since 1985, some of the Institute’s accomplishments include:

  • 3,314 professionals trained — 2,276 Practitioners, 86 Supervisors, 98 Educators, and 854 Medical Consultants from all 50 states and six continents.
  • 28 obstetrician-gynecologists trained through the St. John Paul the Great Fellowship in Medical & Surgical NaProTechnology.
  • “The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology” 1,100 page medical textbook by Thomas W. Hilgers, MD.
  • Thousands of patients from all 50 states and many from foreign countries have traveled to Omaha to receive our renowned reproductive healthcare services.
  • 53,640 Ultrasound Exams, 3,727 cycles of ultrasound study of spontaneous human ovulation (the most of any ultrasound program in the world).
  • Over 3,800 people consulted through the NaProEthics department.