This collection of 17 case histories from the National Center for Women’s Health depict the real-life struggle of women who seek real choices in their health care and fertility. Stories include:
- The Media’s Cover-Up
- She‘s Taking Testosterone!?
- Why is it so Dark Outside?
- She Will be Retarded!
- I Have Adhesions Around my Ovaries and My Liver?
- Physician-Induced Miscarriage
- There‘s Nothing We Can Do
- They Don‘t Want to Make a Diagnosis!
- Now You Can Feel Like You are a Part of This
- My Cesarean Section Caused What?
- I Want to get Pregnant and You Tied my Tubes?
- They Mocked my Moral Beliefs
- The Teenage Girl and Menstrual Cramps
- Emergency Room Visits for Pelvic Pain
- I Don‘t have a Uterus or Ovaries?
- My IUD Is Where?
- Can I Call 911?
Get your copy and learn about the true “War on Women” going on today.