NEW! “NaProEthics director explains how pro-life fertility treatment works better than IVF,” Catholic Vote, March 17, 2025. READ ONLINE
NEW! “An Open Letter to JD Vance About IVF,” Catholic Vote, February 27, 2025. READ ONLINE
NEW! The Global Birth Dearth: A Primer, February 12, 2025, Catholic World Report.READ ONLINE
“Principle of Legitimate Cooperation in Evil,” Chapter 22 of Book II: Advanced Teaching Skills, Second Edition, Saint Paul VI Institute Press. READ ONLINE
“The Tyranny of IVF,” July 21, 2024 Catholic World Report. READ ONLINE
Social Media, Tweens, and Teens: Data, Consequences, Solutions, February 3, 2024, Catholic World Report.READ ONLINE
Benjamin B. Ferencz: Applications of his legacy for the human rights of the unborn, Fall 2023 Newsletter for Nebraskans Embracing Life.VIEW PDF
Bad ideas continue to have bad consequences, Catholic World Report, April 30, 2023. READ ONLINE
Contraception Redux, Catholic World Report, December 19, 2022. READ ONLINE
Aquinas on When Human Life Begins, The Catholic Thing, May 18, 2022. READ ONLINE
The Tyranny of Sex Denialism, Catholic World Report, March 22, 2022. READ ONLINE
My ‘Dog Days’ Blues: Tension, realism, and the 2023 Synod on synodality, Catholic World Report, August 13, 2021. READ ONLINE
The Case for a Global Ban on Surrogacy, Catholic World Report, June 10, 2021. READ ONLINE
Creighton Model FertilityCare System: Celebrating the Genius of Women, Nebraskans Embracing Life Newsletter, April, 2021. VIEW PDF
“Virtue Over Victimhood.” Crisis Magazine, September 8, 2020. VIEW ONLINE
“NaProTechnology: A Medical Embodiment of the Catholic Perspective on an Infertile Couple’s Right to Family Planning.” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 36:2 Summer 2020. VIEW PDF
“Wanted: A COVID-19 vaccine that’s safe, effective, and moral.” Catholic World Report, May 8, 2020. VIEW PDF
“Prenatal genetic testing and the light of mercy” Catholic World Report, August 26, 2019. VIEW ONLINE
“Transhumanist Medicine: Can We Direct Its Power to the Service of Human Dignity?” Linacre Quarterly, March 29, 2019. VIEW PDF
“INVOcell: A Catholic-friendly treatment for infertility?” Catholic World Report, January 18, 2019. READ ONLINE
“Human Head Transplants: Why It’s Time for a Serious Debate,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 34:3 Fall 2018. VIEW PDF
“Same-sex ‘Marriage’ Opens the Door to Polyamory,” Crisis Magazine, October 30, 2017. READ ONLINE
“The CRISPR revolution: Getting ahead of the ethical curve,” Catholic World Report, September 25, 2017. READ ONLINE
“Why efforts to sabotage conscientious objection in healthcare must not stand,” Catholic World Report, May 23, 2017. READ ONLINE
“Three End-of-Life Cases: Resolving Their Moral Dilemmas,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 33:2 Summer 2017. VIEW PDF
“The ‘dark heart’ of human-robot companionship,” Catholic World Report, February 17, 2017. READ ONLINE
“NaProTECHNOLOGY®: A Remedy for the Injustice of IVF,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Fall/Winter 2016. VIEW PDF
“The Gender Identity Mandate: The latest threat to health care rights of conscience,” Catholic World Report, Sept. 13, 2016 VIEW ONLINE
“Aristotelian-Thomistic Moral Analysis of Two Cases of Medical Induction for Previable Infants,” Ethics & Medicine, Summer, 32.2, 2016. VIEW PDF
“Healthcare Rights of Conscience: An Endangered Species,” Catholic World Report, July 2015. READ ONLINE
“Three Parent Embryos: Gearing Up for the Debate,” Catholic World Report, , March, 2015. READ ONLINE
“Why Fighting Against ISIL is Not Murder,” Catholic World Report, December, 2014. READ ONLINE
“Same-Sex Marriage and Parenting: Four Big Myths Debunked,” Catholic World Report, May, 2014 READ ONLINE
“The HHS Mandate and the Principle of Legitimate Cooperation,” Truth & Charity, January, 2014. READ ONLINE
“Prospective Chromosome Therapy for Down Syndrome: Hopes, Fears, and Ethics,” Catholic World Report, January, 2014. READ ONLINE
“Ways to Celebrate Humanae Vitae at 45 — and Beyond,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review,December 23, 2013. VIEW PDF
“Two Kinds of Happiness,” Truth & Charity (online), August, 2013. READ ONLINE
“The Injustices of the Surrogacy Industry,” Catholic World Report (online), August, 2013. READ ONLINE
Reimbursement for Stay-At-Home Moms? Catholic World Report, February 5, 2013. READ ONLINE
“The Evaluation and Treatment of Cervical Factor Infertility: A Medical-Moral Analysis,” Linacre Quarterly, November (Vol. 79, No 4) 2012. Catherine E. Keefe, M.D., Renee Mirkes, O.S.F., Ph.D., and Patrick Yeung Jr., M.D. VIEW PDF
“Myth-busting the ‘Contraceptive Mandate’ Debate” Catholic World Report, June, 2012. VIEW PDF
“Conscience and Competing Liberty Claims,” Ethics & Medicine, 29.1, 2013 (co-authored with Law professor, EA Morse). VIEW PDF
“Reducing Uterine and Ovarian Mortality Risks of Religious Sisters: A Critique and Counterproposal,” NCBQ, Summer 2012:235-238. VIEW PDF
“Conscience Matters,” Homiletic and Pastoral Review, March 2012. READ ONLINE
“Anything Goes: The culture of reproductive medicine,” The Catholic World Report, November, 2011:12-16. VIEW PDF
“Pheromones and Common Scents,” Ethics & Medics, November, 2011, Vol. 36, Number 11. VIEW PDF
“The Ethics of Ovarian Tissue Transplantation: A Teleological Analysis,” Ethics & Medicine,Summer [27.2] 2011. VIEW PDF
“Saint Paul VI Institute at 25: Celebrating Its Magnum Opus,” Voices, Christmastide, 2010. READ ONLINE
“Does Pharmacologically-altered Memory Change Personal Identity?” Ethics & Medicine,Vol. 26.3, Fall, 2010. VIEW PDF
“The Conceivex Kit Reconsidered” Ethics & Medics, December 2009, Volume 34, No. 12. VIEW PDF
“Needed: An Ethics Audit of Catholic Sterilization Policies and Practices,” Linacre Quarterly, TBP in Spring, 2009. VIEW PDF
“Celebrating the Feminine Genius,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Winter, 2009. VIEW PDF
“The Mortuary Science of Alkaline Hydrolysis: Is It Ethical?” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Winter, 2008. VIEW PDF
“Protecting the Right of Informed Conscience in Reproductive Medicine,” The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Vol. 33, 2008, pp. 374-393. VIEW PDF
“Reading Brain Scans for Intention Identification: A Tale of Two Anthropologies,” Ethics & Medicine, Spring, 2008. VIEW PDF
“Self-Identity and the Facial Transplant Patient,” NCBQ. Spring issue, 2008.
“The Ethics of Uterus Transplantation.” Linacre Quarterly, May, 2008. VIEW PDF
“The Children of Men and Elective Infertility” Our Sunday Visitor, Jan. 28, 2007. VIEW PDF
“Confessions of a Franciscan Ethicist,” Review for Religious, Vol. 66.1, 2007. VIEW PDF
“The Hoplite Phalanx Effect of Pregnancy,” The Catholic Response, July/August, 2006. VIEW PDF
“Should We Produce Human-Animal Chimeras?” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly (Winter, 2006). VIEW PDF
“NaProTechnology: Healthcare Women Really Need,” USCCB Forum, Vol. 17, Nos. 1 & 2, Winter/Spring, 2006. VIEW PDF
“Deriving Morally Uncontroversial Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines: Obligation or Election?” Stem Cell Reviews, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2006. VIEW PDF
“Newborn Screening: Toward a Just System,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 22, Fall, 2006. VIEW PDF
“The Death Penalty: What’s a Catholic To Think?” The Catholic Response, Vol. 2, no. 3, November/December, 2005. VIEW PDF
“A Tale of Failed Feminism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2, Summer, 2005. VIEW PDF
“The Ethics of Infertility Treatment: An Upbeat Update,” Dallas Bishops Workshop Proceedings(National Catholic Bioethics Center) 2005. VIEW PDF
“Women’s Health Care and the New Humanism,” The Catholic Response, Vol. 1, no. 1, July/August, 2004. VIEW PDF
“NaProTechnology and the New Humanism,” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly,Summer, 2004. VIEW PDF
“NaProTechnology and the New Humanism,” in The Medical and Surgical Practice of NaProTechnology, T. W. Hilgers, Saint Paul VI Institute Press, 2004.
“Demythologizing the Kinsey Reports,” Catholic Answer, Vol. 18, March/April, 2004. VIEW PDF
“The Benefits of Married Sexual Love,” Catholic Answer, Vol. 17, January/February, 2004. VIEW PDF
“The Wrongs of Animal Rights,” NCBC Quarterly, (Summer, 2003). VIEW PDF
“Oral Contraception and the Principle of Double Effect,” Ethics & Medicine, Vol. 18:2 (Summer 2002): 11-22. VIEW PDF
“Sex and Teen Health,” The NaProEthics Forum, January, 2002: 1-2. VIEW PDF
“The Inside Story of ‘The 50 Most Beautiful,’” Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly,Summer, 2001: 8-12. VIEW PDF
“Beauty Is More than Skin Deep,” Our Sunday Visitor, August 13, 2001.
“Ethics Guidelines for ES Cell Research,” The NaProEthics Forum, July, 2001: 4-5. VIEW PDF
“The Stepchild of Teen Health,” Catholic Answer, July, 2001: 57-62. VIEW PDF
“NBAC and Embryo Ethics,” The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Summer, 2001:163-187. VIEW PDF
“Lessons from the Gotham Gaffe,” Catholic Answer, May/June, 2000: 36-42. VIEW PDF
“Of Pillars and Spores: The Genius of Woman,” Sisters Today, March, 2002: 135-141. VIEW PDF
“A Theology of Fertility Awareness for Women Religious,” Review For Religious, January, 2000: 277-85. VIEW PDF
“To Be A Priestly NFP-Backer“ (Grieshog and Beyond), Catholic Answers, Vol. 12, No. 6, January, 1999: 41-43, 45, 55. VIEW PDF
“Contraceptive Sterilization and Professional Family Planning.” co-authored with Thomas W. Hilgers and Rev. Stephen Toracco, Linacre Quarterly. February, 1998: 19-31.
“Of Pillars and Spores: The Genius of Woman,” Canticle. Summer, 1998.
“Aquinas and Moral Virtue,” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. Autumn, 1997, Vol. LXXI, No. 4.
“Theories of Evolution and the Simple Simon Syndrome,” Linacre Quarterly. May, 1997: 78-88. VIEW PDF
“The Domino Theory Revisited,” Catholic Answers. July, 1997: 32-7. VIEW PDF
“Aquinas’s Doctrine of Moral Virtue and Its Significance for Theories of Facility,” The Thomist.Vol. 61, No. 2, April, 1997. VIEW PDF
“But Aren’t NFP Methods Just Natural Forms of Contraception?” Academy Activity. Summer, 1996, p. 1.
“Aquinas on the Unity of Perfect Moral Virtue and Its Significance for the Nature-Grace Question.” Dissertation. Milwaukee Marquette University, 1995. VIEW PDF
“Oresme, Hildegard of Bingen, and Conjugal Ethics,” New Blackfriars. September, 1995. VIEW PDF
“A Rhetorical Analysis of 1 Corinthians 15,” In Directions in New Testament Methods. ed. Martin C. Albl, Paul R. Eddy and Renee Mirkes, OSF, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1993, pp. 63-70.
“The Matthean Author’s Use of Redaction: An Exegesis of Matthew 8:18-27,” In Directions in New Testament Methods. ed. Martin Albl, Paul R. Eddy and Renee Mirkes, OSF. pp. 31-37.
“Uterine Isolation: A Euphemism?” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 18, No. 1, 1993. VIEW PDF
“Science, Homosexuality, and the Church,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 17, No. 6, 1992. VIEW PDF
“The Rhythm Method: An Upbeat Update,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 7, 1991. VIEW PDF
“Programmed By Our Genes?” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 6, 1991. VIEW PDF
“The Norplant Debate: A Rebuttal,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 16, No. 4, 1991. VIEW PDF
“Latent Evils in a Wished-For-Good,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 7, 1990. Coauthor of script and participant and facilitator manuals for the video A Matter of Life and Death: Terminal Treatment Decisions and the Church (copyright, 1990). Oblate Media and the Pope John Center. VIEW PDF
“Sex and Trisomy 21,” (Part II) Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 6, 1990. VIEW PDF
“Sex and Trisomy 21,” (Part I) Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 5, 1990. VIEW PDF
“RU 486, Medical Progress, and Wisdom,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 15, No. 3, 1990. VIEW PDF
“PAS and the Second Victim of Abortion,” (Part II) Ethics and Medics, Vol. 14, No. 12, 1989. Co-author of script and facilitator and participant manuals for the educational video Of Wishes and Glass Dishes: High Tech Babies and the Church (copyright, 1989). Oblate Media and Pope John Center. VIEW PDF
“PAS and the Second Victim of Abortion,” (Part I) Ethics and Medics, Vol. 14, No. 11, 1989. VIEW PDF
“Fictions, Fallacies, and Pro-Choice Rhetoric,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 10, 1989. VIEW PDF
“Selective Termination: Doing Evil to Achieve Good?” (Part II) Ethics and Medics., Vol. 14, No. 7, 1989. VIEW PDF
“Selective Termination: Doing Evil to Achieve Good?” (Part I) Ethics and Medics., Vol. 14, No. 6, 1989. VIEW PDF
“Euthanasia Debate,” Letter to the editor, National Catholic Register, 7 May 1989, p. 4.
“Abortion will remain unjust killing,” Editorial, Houston Post. 27 December 1989, p. A-17.
“It’s All in the Nature of Things,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 3, 1989. VIEW PDF
“Turning on by Plugging in,” Ethics and Medics. Vol. 14, No. 1, 1989. VIEW PDF