March 2025
Dear Sr. Renee,
I read your interview in The Loop this morning and I wanted to thank you for following God’s call. Your work is so important and will help so many couples achieve the desire for a family.
My husband and I dealt with infertility issues and it led me to some dark places. We chose not to use IVF for many different reasons; although, I understand the desperation of couples who do. Instead, we turned to our Lord. We finally decided that He knew the best path for us and we would need to trust Him.
After twenty-two years of marriage, I found out that I was pregnant. It was the happiest nine months of my life and I cherished every moment. We had a healthy baby girl who has grown into a beautiful young woman. She will graduate from high school this May and is planning to attend Christendom College in the fall. We are truly thankful to God and know that He gave us a great blessing in our daughter.
I wish I had known about NaPro. I believe it would have spared me the heartache and despair that I went through, even if it didn’t end in pregnancy. I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you and the clinic.
Peggy Glisson
“Sister Mirkes’s article on the abortifacient character of the OC is absolutely the best I’ve read. An excellent piece of research.”
“My hope is that Sister Renée Mirkes’s article on sex education gets to every parent first and then to every person who designs sex ed programs in the U.S. She sure scored a homerun in this article!”
“A masterful presentation of the core arguments on personhood of the embryo! We’re making copies for every member of Congress.”
“You need to write a book, Sister Renée. Your style is clear as a bell; your arguments tight as a drum. Please write more.”